This post is simply just a few things that you may not know about me. I have some great news I am sharing about what exciting thing I am doing this summer! 

If you do not already know, I am a freshman in college through Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I am an online student through the church I go to. Basically how this works is I’m able to get more hands on experience with ministry and how the church works throughout the week. Not just on Sundays. All of my classes are online- I definitely take that to advantage. I plan on ending a couple weeks earlier than semester ends!
This program has brought me some amazing friends that I will forever be grateful for! It is a very close knit community and I am very thankful God gave me this opportunity. 

I work with our Young Adults Ministry and we recently launched a service for Young Adults in Central Arkansas! If you are interested in knowing more, feel free visit nlrya.com!  It’s been going great. We have an amazing team and this part of ministry just brings me joy. 
This service is every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. We have after parties some weeks after service where we either have food or coffee and hang out!

I’m not too exactly sure where I plan on going career wise right now. I felt the Lord telling me to stay and do this Bible program in July 2017. I simply just followed the Lord and went!
Now look what God is doing..
I am moving- for seven weeks!
I recently just got approved to serve in Barcelona, Spain! I will be working as a missionary there. This will be my very first missions trip! I am super excited what God is going to do through me there. I will be working with their Young Adults Ministry there. As well as helping in Kids Ministry, and greeting guests on Sunday mornings! 
PLUS- the church and the team loves getting together and drinking coffee! (I am looking forward to this for sure.)

I would love it if you would pray for me as I go on this missions trip. I will be leaving April 30th and returning in the middle of June. 
Just pray that not only I will adjust well to the culture there but with the team working there. Pray that the Lord will use me in ways I would have never imagined. Please pray for the Lord to prepare my heart for this trip and for the people who are lost in Barcelona. 

I am not too sure how my blog will work as I am serving in Spain. I just want to adjust and not be worried about posting! I will definitely be journaling as I am there so I could always share that after I return.

I appreciate you for praying for me and with me as I go! The Lord is going to do amazing things. All glory to God.

Mark 16:15 "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."